This is a place where you could get your kundli made, that too at reasonable rate.
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· Over 250 Planetary Yogas & Results
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· Predictions For Birth Nakshatra
· Predictions for Bhavas
· Results for placements of Planets in signs &
Ghat & Avakhada Chakra,
Favorable & Unfavorable Points,
Planetary positions at birth time,
Lagna kundali,
Bhav Table & Chalit Kundali,
Chandra Kundali,
Shodash varga kundlis including Hora, Drekkana, Chathurathamsa, Saptamsha, Navamsha, Dashamsha, Dwadashamamsha, Shodashamsha, Vimshamsha, Cathurvimshamsha, Saptavimshamsha, Trimshamsha,Khavedamsha, Akshavedamsha, Shashiamsha.
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Language :-
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