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Libra is the seventh Sign of the Zodiac, and it is at this point in the Zodiac that we start to see a
shift. While the first six Signs of the Zodiac focus on the individual, the last six focus on the
individual's contact with others and with the world. Librans are first and foremost focused on
others and how they relate to them. We can call this the Sign of partnership with a capital 'P'
because these folks do not want to be alone! For a Libran, everything is better if it's done as a
pair. Librans are good when paired up, too, since they epitomize balance, harmony and a sense
of fair play. While they are true team players at work, their favorite partnership is at home:
marriage. Librans feel most complete when they are coupled up with their lover, forever. It's the
Scales which symbolize Libra, and just like that balancing mechanism wants to stay even,
Librans want to be on an even keel. Think of the Scales of Justice and how they work at striking
the right balance. Likewise, Librans are objective, just and want to do what's best for everyone.
It's possible, though, that this penchant for fairness is for a different reason: Librans abhor
The Scales study every possible angle in the hopes of achieving peace and harmony, so much
so that others may see them as fickle and indecisive. If that's what it takes to avoid a
confrontation, that's fine with the Scales. The Libra-born are keen strategists, organizing groups
with poise and getting the job done (in keeping with the Cardinal Quality assigned to this Sign).
Further, you can expect the Scales to be companionable, sociable folks. Libra is ruled by the
Planet Venus. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was a smooth seductress who was at her
best amid pleasurable excess. Well, Librans are certainly carrying the torch for her today. The
Scales are cultured, refined and love beautiful things. Most of all, they love beautiful people,
which is why Librans do so well at cocktail parties or at the theater, opera or ballet. Those born
under this Sign always have the right thing to say and know how to make others feel
comfortable. Suave? You bet. Librans are so adept at charming conversation that they need to
be mindful of overstepping their boundaries and appearing vain or gossipy (the Scales do love
intrigue). When these folks are on their game, however, they are a pleasure to be with. Librans
are artistic, stylish and enjoy creating a beautiful world. The converse of this is that bored
Librans can become apathetic and lazy -- but they'll smile anyway. The Element associated with
Libra is Air, and that means reaching higher, specifically to the higher mind.
Librans like to put their mind to good use, and enjoy communicating their thoughts to others.
They like to use their smarts (and talk) to get to know others better -- yes, knowledge about
people is where it's at for Librans. You can expect the Scales to make a fair argument, too,
since they live by the principles of diplomacy and compromise. When this approach doesn't
work, however, Librans are not above using their persuasive charms to get their way.
Manipulative? Nah, Librans really are too nice for that. Plus, any end-runs that these folks use
are usually to build themselves up, since the Scales can be easily deterred. Librans are polite
and don't like to fight, far preferring to talk things through. Remember, these folks know how to
communicate (they're Air) so they're bound to make their point. Librans don't get in a huff when
faced with an opposing viewpoint. Rather, they take a deep breath and consider all the options
in the spirit of cooperation. Librans at play may not be as energized as at work, if you call
socializing work (and the Scales do). That's why exercise for Librans needs to have a social
component to it, such as that found at a gym. Alternatively, Librans love the outdoors, so riding
and biking can also prove fun. They also love the colors of the sunset sky, that melding of ivory,
pink and light blue. In the game of love, Librans are a bundle of energy, romantic and loyal to
the core. The Scales need to be on the lookout for their lower backs, though, which tend to
shoulder any burdens they may be carrying. The great strength of the Libra-born is their quest
for fairness, peace and harmony. That the Scales are the great diplomats of the Zodiac further
helps their case. A beautiful journey this will be, thanks to the Libran's inimitable sense of style.
Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active. For Venusinspired
Libra, beauty, balance and harmony are important. There is a great need to share, to
be fair and impartial. Even with this need for calm, Libra remains a very active, outwardly
radiating personality. Libra is the cheerleader we all need to work together and build a team!
With all of these positives here, how can the sign of The Scales be unbalanced? Sometimes
loving Libra can need others too much and fall into the trap of dependency. The need for
partnership leads this sign to falsely believe that there is no personhood with a partner. The
temptation is to give away too much to others and reserve too little for oneself. Then life reels
out of control. Trying to be too fair undermines decision-making abilities. Libra may fear making
the wrong choice or upsetting others. Inward-focused energy restores balance. Libras thrive
when they give themselves permission to take care of themselves.
The Positive Side of Libra:
Librans love harmony. It is one of their most outstanding character traits. They are
interesting in achieving balance; they admire beauty ad grace in things as well as in people.
Generally speaking, they are kind and considerate people. Librans are usually very
sympathetic. They go out of their way not to hurt another person’s feelings. They are
outgoing and do what they can to help those in need.
People born under the sign of Libra almost always make good friends. They are loyal and
amiable. They enjoy the company of others. Many of them are rather moderate in their view;
they believe in keeping an open mind, however, and weighing both sides of an issue fairly
before making a decision.
Alert and often intelligent, the Libran , always fair-minded, tries to put himself in the position
of the other person. They are against injustice; quite often they take up for the underdog. In
most of their social dealings, they try to be tactful and kind. They dislike discord and
bickering, and most Libras strive for peace and harmony in all their relationships.
The Libra man or woman has a keen sense of beauty. They appreciate handsome
furnishings and clothes. Many of them are artistically inclined. Their taste is usually
impeccable. They know how to use color. Their homes are almost always attractively
arranged and inviting. They enjoy entertaining people and see to it that their guests always
feel at home and welcome.
The Libran gets along with almost everyone. He is well-liked and socially much in demand.
The Negative Side of Libra:
Some people born under this sign tend to be rather insincere. So eager are they to achieve
harmony in all relationships that they will even go as far as to lie. Many of them are
escapists. They find facing the truth an ordeal and prefer living in a world of make-believe.
In a serious argument, some Librans give in rather easily even when they know they are
right. Arguing, even about something they believe in, is too unsettling for some of them.
Librans sometimes care too much for material things. They enjoy possessions and luxuries.
Some are vain and tend to be jealous.
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